MADjam 2013 All Star J&J Jerome Subey & Lori Rousar

Recorded at the 2013 Mid Atlantic Dance Jam during the Allstar Jack & Jill Finals. MADjam is the largest West Coast Swing party in the Eastern USA. Over 1500 dancers attend annually on the first weekend in March. It is hosted in the Washington DC Area by Dave Moldover's Dance Jam Productions. Jack & Jill West Coast Swing All-Star (44 entries) 1 Hugo Miguez & Virginie Grondin 2 Joshua Sturgeon & Anyssa Olivares 3 Pj Turner & Yuna Davtyan 4 Christopher Dumond & Erica Smith 5 Akil Boatwright & Melissa Rollins 6 Brad Whelan & Linda Cuccio 7 Doug Rousar & Nicole Clonch 8 Reginald Beason & Elise Valdez 9 Stephane Dominguez & Kendra Zara 10 Jerome Subey & Lori Rousar