River City Swing Advanced Jack and Jill #2 2011.
www.rivercityswingjax.com - Wesley (Wes) Kolpin (Plaid short sleeved Shirt) & Catherine (Cathy) Jean (White Shirt w/black vest) - Alan Annicella (Green Shirt) & Renee Lipman - Hugo Miguez (brownish/maroonish shirt) & Elisa DeFoe (all black) - Tommy Gibbs (grey shirt) & Jennifer Pasetes - Demery Strickland (plaid long sleeved shirt) & Brianne Cline (white pants) - Jimmy Formelio (all black) & Darla Shrum (white top) If I get names wrong or omit names, please tell me in the comments section. If the dancers pictured in these videos or the event staff do not wish these videos online, contact me via email at Alabata@gmail.com and I'll be more than happy to take them down.