River City Swing Advanced Jack and Jill 2011
www.rivercityswingjax.com The songs are "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman and "Blow" by Ke$Ha, the dancers in the video are: - Brian Wong & Cindy Formelio - Drew Sinclair & Trish Berlanga (behind Brian & Cindy during the first song) - John Harris (orange shirt) & Dori Eden (yellow shirt w/short black vest) - Jimmy Formelio (all black) & Sabrina Paxman - Tommy Gibbs (grey shirt) & Beverly Co (wearing all black) - Alan Annicella (Green Shirt) & Whitney Bartlett (Blue top w/white under it) If I get names wrong or omit names, please tell me in the comments section. If the dancers pictured in these videos or the event staff do not wish these videos online, contact me via email at Alabata@gmail.com and I'll be more than happy to take them down.